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An Elegant Solution: Arranged Marriage Romance Page 5

  Adrenaline is flooding my veins and there's a very real consideration of locking myself in the bathroom and hiding till he goes away.

  The memory of our brief moment under the staircase is stronger. I can feel his lips on mine. The brush of his beard against my cheek. His hand tightening in my hair as he pulls his body against mine and the feel of his ridiculously hard cock digging into my hip.

  So much for hiding, I already have the door open and Michael's already over the threshold.

  "Mighty convenient of your aunt to drop you off first, huh?"

  He's pushing the door closed behind him as if he's been here a thousand times, turning the lock before coming toward me with a dangerous intent in his eyes.

  I can't help myself. I retreat from him, slowly walking backwards into the living room.

  He follows me, stalking toward me like a predator, until I've managed to unintentionally lead him into my bedroom.

  OK, maybe it was intentional.

  I kick my heels off as he watches and then I kick them under the bed as he moves to me.

  This time when we come together his hands make no pretense of their intent. They land palms open over my breasts, cupping around them and squeezing until I gasp before his fingers slip the buttons open and the bodice falls open.

  In a split second I'm on the bed and there's no more softness between us.

  My hands tug at his belt and hurry to undo his pants just as frantically as he tugs my dress down my body, unsnapping the strapless bra and tossing it aside.

  I'm trying to unbutton his shirt without yanking off buttons and his mouth is racing my dress down my body.

  "Fuck, I wanted to do this the second I saw you," he says as his mouth covers first one nipple and then the other, his hands firmly grasping and kneading my flesh and making me arch my back.

  I get his shirt undone and am not at all disappointed at the hard muscle underneath it. There is a lot of ink, the tattoos cover most of his skin but I'm not interested in what the pictures are right now. Right now I want this shirt off of him. I want to feel the hardness of his body pressed against the softness of mine.

  Shoving the fabric off his shoulders, I'm quickly reminded that the sleeves are buttoned snugly around his wrists.

  There's an awkward tug of war between my attempt to bare his chest while he's unwilling to release his grip on my breasts.

  Michael sits up, straddling my waist and quickly yanks the buttons on his sleeves free. One of them slips through the buttonhole easily, the other pops free and I hear it skitter across the floor.

  He shrugs and the shirt slides easily down his arms and disappears off the edge of the bed.

  I don't get a chance to admire the scenery before he's bent over me and his mouth is moving hungrily over my body again.

  It's a contest to see who gets control. I struggle to sit up and tug at his pants, determined to get my hands on that hard rod that I felt earlier.

  Michael gives in and we roll over. His pants hit the floor and I yank at his briefs till the only thing left between us are my lacy black panties.

  What I really want is some quality time with his perfect cock.

  Holy shit. My mouth waters as I wrap my fingers around the thick shaft and slide my fist down his length. He stills while I work my hand over him, his hands leaving my hips and knitting behind his head for a second and I enjoy the sharp sound of his gasp.

  "Fuck, Alicia," he moans, keeping his hands off me as I dip my head low so I can lick the drop of precum off the tip of his dick.

  Another sound, this one a long, low groan bordering on a growl.

  "Your mouth is so hot," he mumbles somewhere above my head.

  When I sink my mouth down his length his hands find my hair, fisting in it and guiding my head without choking me.

  "That's so fucking good..."

  His voice trails off and gives way to another groan.

  He feels good in my mouth. The skin along the underside of his shaft is silky soft but beneath that soft skin is hard as steel.

  Michael's fingers work their way around the back of my thigh as I kneel over him. I feel them move under the edge of the lace panties and find my wet center.

  We both gasp at the contact.

  "Shit, you're so wet," he whispers in a strained voice that isn't directed at anyone in particular.

  His fingers slip inside me and I have to take my mouth off of him as I moan.

  That's where I lose the upper hand. In one quick move Michael is off his back and I find myself on my hands and knees still but no longer bent over that delicious erection.

  His hand is still between my legs, slipping through my wetness, sliding inside me then following my seam and rubbing my clit while I bury my face in my pillows to avoid screaming and waking up the neighbors.

  I feel him lean off the bed and hear him rustle through his clothes.

  The sound of foil tearing fills the room and my entire body tightens in anticipation.

  "Next time I'll watch you ride me," he pants as he lines up to my entrance and pushes inside without hesitation, "I just need to feel that wet pussy around my cock."

  I'm more than ready for him, my hands wrap around the edge of the headboard and I push back against him as he enters me in one smooth stroke.

  I like listening to him talking to me as he fucks me. I love the sound of his voice and the way it's taken on a raspy, desperate quality.

  "Fuck, Alicia," his hand reaches to twist in my hair, his other hand on my ass with his fingers digging into my hip as he uses my body for leverage to drive his strokes deeper, "you're so fucking tight..."

  I might be telling him to fuck me harder, or I might be making broken, squealing sounds that only border on words, but I do know that I'm not thinking about anything beyond the feeling of Michael's thick cock splitting me apart inside and filling me up in a way I've never experienced before.


  Shit, she's hot. Like sexy hot sure, but also heat hot. I can feel her heat through the condom and I can hear her wetness as I move into her. That and the sounds she's making as she pushes her curvy ass back onto my shaft to meet my strokes is enough to make my cock swell inside her, I can feel my balls tightening and the last thing I want to do is come right now.

  That's not fucking true, I've never wanted to blow my load so bad in my life. I've also never hated wearing a condom so much in my life.

  I want to feel Alicia's cunt tightening around my naked rod, feel that heat on my skin and get her cream all over my cock as she comes hard like I can feel her doing now.

  My grip on her hip is so damn tight I'm surprise she's not telling me to let go, or yelping in pain, or prying my fingers out of her skin but she's not.

  She's too busy coming for me.

  I have to let go of her hair so I can get a grip on her ass and control her frantic movements as her pussy milks my dick, begging me to come at the same time.

  I just want it to last a little longer. I want to keep fucking her, watch her spin out of control again. I love the look on her face as she turns her head on the pillow. Her eyes closed tight, her mouth open, her fist clenched in the pillow under her head.

  It's not going to happen. Not this time. Her walls tighten in one more hard spasm and her cunt clenches down on my dick like it's not going to let go till I spill. There's nothing I can do to stop it. My balls tighten and my body goes off like a fountain, pouring into her and filling the rubber.

  We collapse together and I hate that I have to pull out of her to deal with the damn condom. I hate that I have to leave the warmth of her body inside and out.

  All I want to do is pull her against me and wrap my arms around her. I want her head on my chest, tucked under my chin while she sleeps in my arms.

  I slide back into her bed beside her and reach for her but she turns to face me with a sleepy smile on her pretty face.

  "You need a ride back to the hotel?" She asks.

  It's a simple question and I guess it shouldn't
be unexpected, but it fucking is. She says it so simply, like the idea of lying here together for even just a little bit never even occurred to her. Like she doesn't expect that it might have occurred to me.

  "I can get a cab."

  I stare at her in the light from the city outside that fills her bedroom and lights it in a soft, blue glow. She's really beautiful. A lot more than a nice set of tits and a lush ass for hanging onto while I push my dick into her. Although I'm not sure I can think of a chick I've ever met that rivaled her in those respects.

  No, Alicia has a beautiful face with classic features and smooth skin. Right now her hair is a tangled mess. In the dim light it takes on a dark blue tint, but I remember the honey and caramel tones that showed in it in the light.

  Her eyes are a wide almond shape that tip slightly toward the bridge of her nose and her lips are just... I lose my train of thought for a second, staring at her lips in the dark. They're full with a deep bow pressed into the upper lip that gives her a mouth a perfect shape. Just a little natural upturn at the corners that makes her look like she's thinking pleasant thoughts even when she's far away in thought.

  Now I know so much more about those lips than what they look like. Over the last few hours I've watched them when she speaks, I've tasted them on my own, I've felt them wrapped around my dick working magic I've never felt before.

  Right now I want to bring my finger to them and trace them from the center to the corners. I want to feel their softness against the pad of my thumb. I want her to close her eyes gently as I do it and I want to watch those lips part and softly take my thumb between them and feel her tongue brush against it.

  I'm already getting hard again at just the thought of it. The thought of pushing her lightly and rolling her onto her back and moving inside her slow and gentle this time.

  "I can take you back," she tells me, her voice is soft and groggy and her eye lashes flutter as she blinks away sleep.

  My hand reaches to touch her but she's already rolling away from me, climbing out of bed and making her way to the dresser.

  I watch her open a drawer and pull out a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. The shirt slides over her arms and she pulls it over those full breasts and I love the way it hugs tight to them, showing her half hard nipples through the cotton and allowing the flesh to sway with her movements as she slips on a pair of shoes and runs a brush through her hair.

  I don't love that her body is no longer naked and needy under my hands.

  I don't love that I'm out of her bed and pulling my own clothes back on.

  I don't love that she won't be sleeping in my arms tonight.

  Mostly, I don't understand why all this bothers me, and I don't love that either.


  The sex is amazing.

  Like, bone rattling amazing.

  The first time was amazing. Last night was amazing. Tonight has been amazing.

  The conversation over breakfast yesterday was good. Sitting across from each other eating omelets and laughing about my crazy aunt.

  "Why did you choose her to pick a husband for you?" Michael asked.

  It was so easy to talk to him.

  "I didn't choose Vera," I told him with a shy smile, "she chose me."

  I explained to him how my aunt and my mom were in cahoots to marry me off, whether I was on board with it or not.

  "Raven went for that?"

  He had a point. Raven doesn't deal with clients who aren't entering the contract of their own free will. I had to explain my conversations with Raven, how I ended up agreeing to go through with this.

  "I'm not saying never," I told him,"I'm just not in a hurry to get a ring on my finger."

  Michael had shrugged and gone into a thoughtful silence for awhile we ate.

  "I know what you mean, I guess," he had finally said, "I mean, I kinda found myself at this place in my life where I realized I really do want someone in it with me, you know?"

  I nodded.

  I was thinking that I'd forgotten that we weren't just random people on a blind date that turned out to have really great chemistry. Michael signed up with Raven because he wants a wife.

  "I mean," he added quickly, "I don't really know if I'm in a big hurry for that either, I kinda was thinking I'd try this and see what happened."

  "You'd 'try' Raven?" I laughed, "That's an expensive 'try.'"

  He shrugged, "I guess. Money isn't that big a deal, I was really impressed with the way she works, you know?"

  Yeah. I understand where he was coming from. Raven is unique in the business, dealing with her has been eye opening for sure.

  "But you wanted her to find you the right woman?" I prodded, "You really do want to get married?"

  Michael's eyes fixed on mine as he nodded, "And start a family," he'd told me plainly. "Just not necessarily right away."

  Conversation is easy with him. I'm glad I was open with him about how I got into this deal and that he knows where I stand. I just feel guilty now, realizing that he really is looking for that elusive happily ever after while I'm just humoring Vera and Mom.

  We spent all day yesterday together. I showed him everything I could think of in the city and we laughed all day. We never seem to run out of things to talk about and it feels good to be with him.

  That's probably how I ended up in his hotel room last night, following through on his promise to watch me ride his cock till my thighs were shaking.

  The sex is really good.

  Maybe that's why I called him this morning when I got out of the shower and asked if he wanted to do the drive down the coast with me?

  He'll be on a plane back home tomorrow, but I figured we could do the drive as far as Santa Cruz and still make it back in time for him to get a good night's sleep.

  OK, maybe I was trying to think of ways to see him again. Ways to end up in bed with him one more time before he leaves.

  "So Raven's office is here?" Michael asks as we pass the sign for Pacific Grove.

  We're much farther south than we'd intended to go, but he assures me there's no reason to turn around yet.

  "Yeah, according to her address," I tell him.

  "She's this close to you and you haven't met her in person?"

  "I have an accountant that works one block away from my shop too but I've never met him in person either," I laugh as I explain it.

  "Yeah, I know what you mean," he says, "I guess I'm just surprised, with how personal Raven's business is, I expected she want to meet with as many clients in person as she can."

  "Good point, but she's never suggested getting together in person, I guess it's just not something she felt we needed to do."

  We're all the way down to Big Sur before we stop for something to eat. Long conversation and too many glasses of wine later and we're lucky we can find a room.

  "You're so fucking beautiful, Alicia."

  Michael's lips are burning the skin along the side of my face as I take way too long to get the door open to our room.

  He sounds so intense as he kisses my cheek, my ear, my hair, down my neck and across my shoulder. I laugh because it's different from the way it's been between us so far, because he sounds a little cheesy, and because it feels good.

  Michael and I stumble through the door and manage to get it closed behind us without having to take our hands off of each other for very long.

  He's laughing too.

  "What's so funny?" He giggles with me as his hands clumsily began working to get my clothes off.

  "You," I tell him, matching his efforts.

  "How am I funny?" he slurs as we make our way toward the bed, "I'm just telling you the truth."

  I laugh again.

  "I like it," I say as I lose my balance and land on the bed where I watch Michael finish yanking off his shoes and socks so his jeans can join the rest of our clothes on the floor.

  "I like you," Michael tells me a little too sincerely for our giggle fest.

  He's straddling me on the bed, his kn
ees planted firmly beside my hips, leaning forward so his nose is nearly touching mine and even in the unlit room I can see those dark eyes searching mine for something I don't think he's going to find.

  A silent moment stretches between us and I'm not prepared for the pang that stabs my heart.

  I almost say something stupid. Something that's not exactly appropriate for two people who've only known each other for a few days. Who've been brought together under the most ridiculous of circumstances.

  The corners of his mouth curl up in a smile and his lips drop a soft kiss on mine and then his mouth is the searing hot hunger making its way down my body that I've come to expect from him.

  I remember that I'm not even looking for a boyfriend, let alone a husband and this man lives on the other side of the country.

  We both have established careers. Neither of us is looking to relocate. We're not on the same page on anything except...everything else it seems.

  I can't worry about it now. Not while Michael's mouth is doing that wonderful thing it does to my clit while his fingers reach into me and find all the places that make me forget all the ways it's a bad idea to tell him something stupid.


  I've been avoiding Mom's calls since I got back home. I know she wants to know how it went. She wants to know what I think of Alicia and she's going to be hoping that it worked out and that we'll be planning a wedding soon.

  I've already done my best to give Greg and Leeza the short version of the story. Greg's not surprised, Leeza is. They've both apologized about a thousand times for screwing up their job but I keep telling them it's not their fault.

  I should have known better.

  That Vera.

  I knew from the beginning of our interviews that her niece wasn't 100% on board. I knew I was walking into a shit storm that wasn't likely to turn out well.

  Hell, I didn't even expect Alicia to like me when she met me. I only flew out there for the meeting because my Mom insisted that this girl was "the one" for me.

  It's not like I was even looking for "the one," anyway. I was hoping that maybe I might find "the eventual one."